Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bangkok 2

Well, as you've read our beloved workhorse of a laptop died today. So we headed into one of the many internet cafes around, not big news that but when I sat down there must of been dust so I sneezed twice and this American guy starts giving out to me, words were exchanged and he comes over and puts 100bath on the table in front of me and tells me to buy aspirin, I said "I won't say no to free money", at that stage Tina told me not to bother with him, the biggest wanker without a doubt I've met so far on my travels.

After that I decided to have a go at trying to fix the laptop, sat in a bar in Bangkok I stripped the laptop with a swiss army knife, and reseated the parts much to the amusement of the Thai people and flicked it back on, nothing happened for a few seconds then we had life again! MAGIC, if you've faith it will happen.

So off to the bus to Chiang Mai.