Monday, January 17, 2011

Yangshuo - Bike Trip

We'll we left our humble abode (3 euro a night! Complete with squat toilet that flushes) this morning and went on a cycling excursion. This haggling lark got old 3 months ago, so when you find yourself in a situation where your haggling for a street map (it's a nice map in fairness: like a treasure map), you know things have gone to the dogs...needless to say it is a must otherwise you'll lose face and the street vendor will go to town on you.

We took the wrong road out of town but not to worry there was lots of weird and wonderful sights to be seen. We headed back towards the town and out the other road, the traffic is pretty light so it's not too hectic getting around. The pictures attached will explain more then I ever could..I'm still getting to grips with my new camera that has more functions then a swiss army knife, so you should see the images steadily improve as I get through the Canon 550D bible I downloaded.

Headed back to town and as we're Beijing bound (-3) we picked up some longjohns (oh the shame) and some warm socks because here is feckin cold, I hate to think what Beijing is like...I'm glad we got our Flu jabs.

Some Duck is on the menu tonight and tomorrow we our Beijing bound.