Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tupiza Horseriding...Why the long face?

We wondered what sort of horseriding we'd get for 3 euro an hour and weren't that surprised when a 10 year old appeared and told us he was our guide...well he claimed he was 15, but he must be smoking a long time to be that vertically challenged. Never the less he was decent at what he did and had control over the horses at MOST times....maybe the young Travellers in Ireland should offer this service..with a free gift at the end: Ford Fiesta gearbox or an auld Washing machine.

We rode through Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid country, our guide had never heard of them...The real Burch Cassidy and Paul Newman must be rolling in their grave! Tinas horse got lazy and fell behind, next minute the kid gave the arse of the horse a whallop and she was off like she was running in the Galway Races, Tina with the sunglasses down the nose and the cowboy hat hanging on to her back...if only I'd caught that on video!

All through the day the horses fought each other, mine and the guides horse absolutely despised each other and charged each other a few times only to be pulled back by both me and the guide. Tina's horse was putting the moves on the girl from Hong Kong's horse, as mine was also male and the Boyfriend of that horse it picked it's moment and kicked Tina's horse in the face..just brushing Tina's leg in the process...a lucky miss by all this stage the day was nearly over and we were thankful it was too, it was enjoyable to say the least but with just over 2 weeks to go till were home We really want to wrap ourselves in cottonwool and avoid any potentially dangerous activities!

God help those on the 7 hour ride!